Brașov's Roadmap to Climate-Neutrality
This Roadmap is the final result of the 3-year TOMORROW process in the pilot city of Brest Metropole.
This document is a summary of all actions, analysis and measures underlying the strategic vision for reaching climate neutrality by 2050 in Brașov. This document was developed in the frame of the TOMORROW - www.citiesoftomorrow.eu project through the collaboration and active involvement of citizens and stakeholders. Introduction In order to identify the most appropriate projects at the level of the municipality of Brasov, ABMEE established a Energy Transition Board which covers strategic areas, having representatives from the Brasov City Hall, the local public transport company, the local electricity distribution company, the local natural gas company, the company that manages the local public lighting, the local high-efficiency cogeneration company, the local waste management company, the local environmental protection agency, the regional water supplier, the „Transilvania” University and a local initiative group made up of professionals in architecture, communication, technology, sociology and economics, with the aim of redesigning public services around the needs of citizens, by involving them in the process.